Die 6ii Aug 1893,
baptizavi [Then, in a different handwriting:] |
Mormon film 1704692, Item 3: Holy Family Church, Chicago IL, Baptisms 1887-1903, Vol. 5, p. 261 |
Note: "Test." = "Testes" (Latin) = "Witnesses". I suggest the following translation: |
On this 6th day of August 1893, I have baptized John, son of John Fitzmorris and Honora Mulvihill, born on the 29th day of July 1893. Sponsors: Tim Fitzmorris and T. McGrath. Married Loretta Curran on August 9, 1919 in Sacred Heart Church in Chicago. (Dispensation from test by means of Banns for eligibility to marry.) |
I chose the word "sponsors"
because that was the word used earlier by priests in Ireland
and at Old St. Patrick's Church in Chicago when they recorded
baptisms in English. They did not use the term "godparents"
in the official records. The godfather, Timothy FitzMaurice [M3], was a brother of the father. The godmother, Teresa (Payne) McGrath (23 Apr 1861 - 10 Dec 1942), was a relative of the baby's future wife and was probably a parishioner of Holy Family Church. Teresa was the godmother of many children. She often took care of a new mother for about ten days after the midwife had left. |
CHILDHOOD As a boy, he liked to travel. At
age 10, he rode a freight train to Dubuque, Iowa. He made several
similar trips to other destinations.97 He remembered seeing Buffalo Bill
leading a pre-show parade down a main street of Chicago. Later,
he managed to sneak into the show.97 He was a great walker. There was one period in his life when he and a friend walked the five miles to 63rd and Halsted Streets almost every evening.97 I don't recall whether they also walked back. I recall vaguely that the friend's name was something like Egan. |
RESIDENCES recorded in Chicago Directories | |
1914 |
Fitzmaurice John A tel opr 9th fl 111
W Jackson bl h 1329 Elburn av |
1915 |
Fitzmaurice John A tel opr 9th fl 111
W Jackson bl h 1329 Elburn av Note: John A. [M2.1] probably moved from 1329 Elburn Ave. to 1105 S. Racine Ave. late in 1915. |
1916 | Fitzmaurice John A h 1329 Elburn av |
1923 |
Fitzmaurice Jno W city firemn h 2023
S Racine av Note: John A. FitzMaurice [M2.1] married Laura Margaret Curran (21 May 1899 - 2 Oct 1971) on 21 Jul 1919 and moved in with his new father-in-law, Thomas Curran, at 2023 S. Racine Ave. John and Laura had ten children. |
ARMY SERVICE On 6 Apr 1917, the Congress of the United States declared war against Germany. On 15 May 1917, My father [M2.1] enlisted in the Illinois National Guard (33rd division), presumably with the knowledge that all National Guard divisions would be called to federal Service within a few months since that was the practice in previous wars. He was patriotic and was prepared to serve his country without reservation even when he disapproved of the national decision. His appraisal of WWI was that the only real benefit of American participation would be to preserve the British monarchy and keep King George V upon his throne. He referred to the war as "King George's War". In response, his fellow soldiers nicknamed him "King George". On 25 Jul 1917, the 33rd Division was called to the service of the United States by order of President Wilson. On 5 Aug 1917, my father and all other members of the 33rd Division were formally discharged from the Illinois National Guard and drafted into the United States Army. Soon after entering the service, my father was sent to Texas. This was partially for training and partially to defend the people of Texas against raids by Pancho Villa. A punitive expedition of the United States Army had withdrawn from Mexico early in 1917 without finding Villa. I don't know when my father embarked for the "Western Front". It seems, however, that his regiment (the 7th Illinois Infantry) was engaged in almost continuous combat from 6 Aug 1918 until the war ended on 11 Nov 1918. The 33rd Division was arriving in the British area in late May 1918. Two regiments of the 33rd Division "participated in an attack on Hamel July 4 and again on August 9 as an incident of an allied offensive against the Amiens salient. One of these regiments (apparently the 7th Illinois Infantry) took Gressaire Wood and Chipilly Bridge, capturing 700 prisoners and considerable material". On the night of 25 Sep 1918, the nine American divisions that were to lead the attack that would end the war were deployed between the Meuse River and the western edge of the Argonne Forest. On the right was the 3rd Corps (with the 33rd, 80th, and 4th Divisions in line). The 5th Corps (with the 79th, 37th, and 91st Divisions in line) was in the center and the 1st Corps (with the 35th, 28th, and 77th Divisions in line) on the left. After three hours of heavy artillery fire, the infantry attack started at 5:30 A.M., 26 Sep 1918, accompanied by tanks and air support. By the end of October, the German line had been broken and the German Army was disintegrating. The war ended on 11 Nov 1918. The 3rd Corps (which included the 33rd Division) had an important part in the decisive battles between 25 Sep and 11 Nov 1918. I do not yet know the story of the 33rd Division or of the 7th Illinois Infantry for that period. My father was assigned to a horse-mounted MP Company sometime before the fighting ended. He often escorted groups of German prisoners from the front lines to rear-area prison camps. My father arrived back in the United States on 22 May 1919 and was honorably discharged at Chicago on 5 Jun 1919. |
STATE OF Illinois [Picture of eagle] To all whom it may concern:
Daniel Moriarty Col. 7th Ill. Inftry Commanding |
[Picture of Eagle] TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:
Major Infantry U.S.A. Commanding |
Name: John A. Fitzmaurice Grade: Pvt 1 cl.
MARRIAGE AND RACINE AVENUE ERA During the first four years of their
marriage, they lived with Laura's widower father, Thomas Curran,
at 2023 S. Racine Ave. in Chicago. While at that address, their
first two children were born. These were Mary FitzMaurice (May
1920 - c. Mar 1921) and Loretta FitzMaurice (b. 16 Jan 1922). |
BERWYN ERA ![]() After serving 20 years on the Chicago Fire Department, our father retired circa 1949. The photo above was probably taken circa 1952. In the back row are John's wife, Laura, and his daughter Veronica. In the center row are his daughter Dolores, John himself, and his sister, Sister Mary Veronica. In the front row are Dolores's oldest sons, John and Jerry. Our father died at home (6413 West Roosevelt Road, Berwyn, Illinois) from cancer of the esophagus at about 2 am on the weekend after Thanksgiving in 1954 (age 61). He had been a heavy smoker for many years. He almost always rolled his own cigarettes using Bull Durham tobacco. |
VACATIONS Before 1932, my father rented a cottage somewhere on a lake each Summer. There was at least one summer near Momence IL, at least two summers on Gage's Lake, and at least one summer on Gray's Lake. One of my earliest memories is walking alongside of a highway with my Uncle Emmett to meet my father as he drove up to the cottage on alternate days. All that I remember of our stay at Momence is that we crossed the line into Indiana to visit a farm to look at the goats and buy some goat milk. So far as I know, that was the only time that I left the State of Illinois until I joined the U.S. Marine Corps at age 17. During the 20's and 30's, the farmers of Illinois still pronounced English words in a way quite different from what I heard in the cities. Although my parents could converse quite easily with the farmers, I always had difficulty following the conversation. I recall vaguely that I had extra difficulty in the Momence region. In retrospect, I think that some of the farmers around Momence spoke with a combination of an Illinois farmer's accent and a French accent. One year we rented a farmhouse at Gray's Lake. The farmer lived nearby and continued to operate his dairy farm while we were living there. It was here that a cow stepped on the face of my sister Loretta. Fortunately, the cow's foot slipped off her face before the cow put any weight on it. During our summer at the farm our cousin, Edward Healey, stayed with us for a while. I still carry a mental image of Ed Healey, my sister Loretta, and myself walking barefoot along a yellow dirt road between two cornfields. It was a hot sunny day and we stopped occasionally to rest in the shade of widely separated trees along that road. Our summer on the farm was a happy era in my father's life. He was a highly social person. There was a steady stream of visitors with numerous card games (probably pinochle) and much beer. The beer was probably Meister Bräu. My father seemed to be especially compatible with his brother-in-law, Ray Curran. |
FINANCES My father was employed by the Chicago Fire Department all through the Depression. Yet he suffered along with most other people. Altogether, the City of Chicago withheld nine months wages that were never paid. With a large family, a heavy mortgage, a substantial reduction in income, and no wealthy father-in-law to turn to, John began to moonlight. Together with his friend, Billy Coyne, he "had a book" in a saloon operated by his brother-in-law, Ray Curran The venture was a loser and soon folded. |